Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How to Participate in the 2009 Mock Sibert Discussion

It is easy to participate in the 2009 Mock Sibert Discussion!

If you have something to say about a title on this blog, just add your comments to the blog post for that title. You can add your own title to the discussion by commenting here or by emailing me the title and your comments.

This should be another great year for informational books - I hope you'll join us!


midschoolteach said...

Have you seen The Lincolns by Candace Fleming? Wow!!! That book is like eating popcorn -- once you start you can stop. You end up eating the whole bowl, or in this case, reading the whole book. An exceptional achievement.

Mandy said...

Thanks for the suggestion.

I have this book on my desk, but haven't had a chance to look at it yet. I will definitely move it to the top of my "to read" list.