Thursday, February 5, 2009

Finding the Books

Ever wonder how we decide which books to post on the blog or add to our Mock Sibert reading lists? For that matter, do you ever wonder how the real Sibert committee goes about selecting which books to read and discuss?

Members of the actual Sibert Committee are responsible for identifying, obtaining, and reading eligible titles throughout the year. We do a bit of that work for you by locating titles and posting them here on the blog. One of the main ways in which we do that is to read review journals and track which books receive starred reviews. Here's a glimpse at our 2009 starred review spreadsheet so far:
You'll notice all those small 'S's to the right of the image...those indicate that the book may be eligible for the Sibert Award. So far, it's shaping up to be a pretty good year for non-fiction. Watch for some of these titles to start popping up on the blog later this week.

One of the other ways in which we identify eligible books is through you! When you come across an informational book that you believe might be eligible for the Sibert Award, let us know. Leave a comment on this blog post, or drop us an email.

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