by Marfe Ferguson Delano
National Geographic
63 pages
The epic story of Annie Sullivan, the pioneering teacher who overcame disability and misfortune before achieving her success as one of the most famous educators of all time.
A program of the Children's Services department of the Allen County (Indiana) Public Library. Please join our discussion of this year's best informational books for children.
Welcome to the ACPL Mock Sibert blog!
We're excited about all the new informational books for kids that will be published in 2011 and we look foward to highlighting some of the best here. We hope you'll join the discussion by leaving comments on the titles we post. If you'd like to suggest a title for our list, simply leave a comment or send us an email.
In January of 2012, we'll get together in person to talk about our favorites and vote for our Mock Sibert Award winners. Watch for details to be published later this year.
This book, while found in the library’s children’s section, is not geared towards children at all—at least not those under at least 6th or 7th grade. Long pages of text filled with bigger words are needed to fit in all the information this book packs. Despite the length and depth of this book, it does provide a very interesting and informative read. While I would not recommend it for pleasure-reading at all, I would highly, highly recommend it for middle school famous person reports.
I appreciate how the author addresses the connectedness of the Helen and Annie. Annie's brilliance is often passed over by Helen's brilliance. Without one, the other would have been lost.
The photographs overlaid over other photographs distracted me. I found the photo underneath to be a frustrating in that I couldn't read the document. I always wonder how much of that should be considered a reader's job -- if I, the reader, am interested in more information, I should move to that next step and find it. That's something I would like to discuss further with the group on Saturday: the importance or non-importance of expectations of your reader to find out more, to let the author's work be a jumping board for your own.
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